Assac Corporation

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Azra has been distributing finely made, hand-knotted carpets since, 1980. Apart from being a good income source for the poor, the carpet industry has been involved in earning good revenue for the country. It's a two way process - works well for the cottage industry of Pakistan and creates numerous employment opportunities. Besides, it also serves the customers who want some traditional, hand-knotted rugs and carpets to beautify their homes.

Azra Imports is a name of inspiration and innovation. The inspiration originated from an Urdu word “Azra” meaning young girl. We have been distributing finely made, hand-knotted carpets since, 1980. The philosophy behind this business idea was to eradicate child labor and women unemployment simultaneously. We believe if women are skilled, only then they can foresee a better and a prosperous future for their children and the family. The nation will progress, too.

Each one of our rugs is a totally distinctive, hand-crafted masterpiece made by the weavers of Pakistan. The knotting tradition that has been handed down from generation to generation produces a work of art that uses your floor for the canvas. Add inspiration to your home with an Azra rug.

Mrs Naheed Mir (CEO) has been passionate about bringing a change in the society through creating opportunities for skilled workers. She is currently residing in US but is still serving the society back in Pakistan. Azra’s founders want to give back more to Pakistan by empowering women weavers and providing education to children. A percentage of our profits are donated to The Citizens Foundation - building schools and removing the barriers of class and privilege when it comes to education for the girls in Pakistan.

“We want to give others the opportunity to buy these beautiful rugs - expanding the market and employment for the weavers - and then donate part of the profits to further expand education in Pakistan.” - Naheed Mir

Azra’s charitable mission not only brings a unique artisan product to new U.S. buyers and markets, it also improves lives, provides for the future, and furthers a wonderful legacy of social caring and responsibility.



Mrs. Naheed Ashraf







Business and Strategy Director